Saturday, February 28, 2015

Three Prayer Poems

A Living Prayer
I do not kneel
or talk out loud
lifting my words, upward
my sanctimonious monologue
is a laughing loneliness
No, it's more like
reaching for a Gift
with my heart
A Wordless bending
of my full self
Like a dancer's stretch
toward a warm current of divine energy
trying to reconnect with
the Source
Sometimes it is movement, a dance
a word, a song
a visit to jail or the garden
I feel it,
like the Old Monk,
cleaning dishes, washing toilets
watch closely
the saints, the monks, the small children
and see how
to make life, itself, our prayer
The Rhythm of Prayer
beyond the wireless Babel
the assembly line of frenetic
double minded multi-tasking
the icloud storage, almost full
the race of time
accelerated by Empire
anxious and ambitious accumulation
what priceless our minutes make
our rush renders worthless
Prayer is dying to Time
living in Eternity
the glacial pace of monastic solitude
Hours stretch into a lifetime
of slow reading, and re-reading
the smell of books waiting like old friends
room enough to stretch and breathe
and leap wildly into the
rejoicing air
Where there is no Time
there is the Rhythm of Prayer
Freedom's Prayer
As I stand in Court
next to this suffering soul
awaiting judgment, I pray:
Let me feel his fear,
Let me own his suffering as mine own,
Let me hold his anxious hand,
like a my own child,
Let me take his place,
and feel the full weight
of his punishment
Let him go free, and walk
in Sunlight and Mercy
As I take his chains
upon my wrists and around my ankles
For this is my only path
to Freedom.

Scott Holmes, 2015

1 comment:

  1. Scott,

    I love these poems. They're beautiful.

    Friday Fellow, Class '97
